Old High Riser Blog

Monday, April 10, 2023

Those who I've known

I'm just having a bit of fun tonight. If you know more, you are probably older than I am. You can confess to your old age in comments if you've known more. 

Two monarchs, haha, R has known three. My first Queen Elizabeth II. R's, King George VI.

Sixteen Australian Prime Ministers. The first Sir Robert Menzies. R, one more, Ben Chifley.

Thirteen US Presidents. The first Dwight D. Eisenhower. R, one more, Harry S. Truman. 

Eleven Canadian Prime Ministers. My first John Diefenbaker. Never heard of him. R, one more, Louis St. Laurent. Never heard of him either. 

Fifteen UK Prime Ministers. My first Harold Macmillan. R's, Clement Attlee.  

Nine French Presidents. My first Rene Coty. Who? R, one more. I've not heard of Vincent Auriol either. 

Nine German Chancellors. My first Konrad Adenauer. Who again? As for R, this is complicated. Adenauer came to office months after R was born. So who ruled Germany when R was born? It didn't have a Chancellor. An edjicated type will no doubt supply an answer. 

C'mon Andrew. These are all very white countries, well were. I have a couple of Indian readers, and I bet I will well recognise the name of the Indian Prime Minister in the year of my birth. Of course it was Jawaharlal Nehru. He is the only major world leader who R and I have in common. 

A good blogger would add photos but I am tired from not being out being out clubbing but being at a poshish  club as a guest. 


  1. We are of very similar vintages. I can remember my father talking about Pig Iron Bob.

    1. Me too EC. It was also painted on a railway bridge and was there for years.

  2. Ooh, I am too hungover today to even begin to wrap my head around such things.

  3. Replies
    1. Yes, quite old Rachel, but he is very good for his age.

  4. I knew very little about what you were writing but quite interesting to read about them regardless

  5. Fun. You knew a lot more government officials than I did. Happy Easter.

  6. R and Himself are the same age, I believe and you are a tad younger than I am. So I will take your word and nod sagely in agreement at all you have said. I tried to look up Sierra Leone and Somalia when I was there but, whoops, still ruled by the Brits.

  7. I've never kept track of who is Prime Minister or whatever so I don't know how many I've lived through. But I was born in 1952 so you could work it out if you wanted. I don't care either way.

    1. Like me River, you were born under Menzies long reign. That one I at least know myself without checking.

  8. Ah, those leaders come and go like unfixed male cats this time of year. You're not so old. It's all in the mind, people say, when I cringe over my age. But you have demonstrated age is also related to how much history in world leaders one has lived through. Maybe that's how age should be determined. How old are you? Well, I'm Nine German Chancellors old.

    1. Unfixed male cats, haha, Strayer. The do fight a lot too. I love your description of age. "Listen here Trumpet. I've lived under 13 Presidents and you are by far the most worst and most revolting of them all." Many would think that, I am sure.

    2. I would change that to broken male cats, it worked before the Veterinarian intervened. I think Eisenhower was President when I was born.

  9. It is interesting that in most democracies, the prime minister or chancellor is the top politician and most important person, while the President is merely a ceremonial head of state. Is it only in the USA (and c3 other countries) that we outsiders don't even know who the the head of the largest political party in the House of Representatives is?
    I know most Australian and British prime ministers since WW2 ended.

    1. I was wondering about that Hels. Some presidents are merely ceremonial. I did know the Australian list in order. The English I could probably name all but not in order.

  10. I would have to do some googling. Kennedy was President and Queen Elizabeth II was queen.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

    1. Kennedy, Dora? You are a younger chick then.

  11. Every president since JFK, but I was too young to be aware of him or LBJ, so for all practical purposes Nixon was the first, not that that's anything to brag about.

    1. Kirk, Nixon may have been corrupt and untrustworthy, but compared to you last leader, he was an angel.

  12. As if I needed reminding of my age . . .

    1. So what are your memories of Neville Chamberlain, Jabblog?

  13. I never realised that Jawaharlal Nehru was a major. I thought he was a lawyer. I believe I am older than you but younger than R. We are all survivors. The guillotine could fall at any time. AAAARGH! (Silence).

    1. YP, one does consider one's mortality at times. My genes aren't bad but my health is not great.

  14. My clever comment did not take. Obviously R robbed the cradle.

  15. My first pres: Lyndon Johnson
    My first British PM: Harold Wilson
    My first Australian PM: Harold Holt
    First leader of Ghana: Joseph Arthur Ankrah

    1. Ghana hey Steve. That is from left field.

    2. I can recall Malcolm Fraser, Margaret Thatcher, Jimmy Carter, Leonid Brezhnev, Deng Xiaoping, Valery Giscard d'Estaing...

    3. Pradeep, and are so young you don't remember Nehru. Malcolm Fraser, the Easter Island statue.

  16. Your using the spelling edjicated made me laugh. Be well!
