Old High Riser Blog

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Blog History

I recently emailed a blogger with some information to assist her. I told her I would email her about how I knew this person. I remarked it was too private to be in a blog post, but thinking later, I can anonymise it. So here we go.

Would you believe it kiddies, that when I began blogging in 2004, most were younger people who blogged and they were those I connected with, me being younger then too. But still I remember writing something about how I wished there were bloggers of around my own age. While none of the following still blog, a comment by Lord Sedgwick of Strathmore recommending a couple of blogs for me to look at and it took off from there.

I made the blog acquaintance of Copperwitch, who does still very rarely blog after a period of illness, Annie Brown who has had various blog names and through her That's So Pants who lived in London. 

They were all on my wavelength although a little older than myself. I suppose it was in the late noughties Lord Sedgwick, Copper Witch, Brownie and myself met at Southern Cross Station. I thank Annie Brown for the name So Cross Station I use at times.

I was very nervous. We had a snack and coffee? at the station at a table in a long gone cafe/bar. The very clever Annie noticed politician Bill Shorten sitting at the bar with a bag hanging from his neck, looking rather like a bookie

None had two heads and all were delightfully amusing and interesting. I caught the train home with Copper Witch who lived on the Frankston line and Annie whose father lived near Frankston. I left the train at South Yarra and caught a tram home. 

Annie had made an online friendship with blogger That's So Pants who lived in London. Pants was born and raised in Sydney, Australia but for most of her adult life had lived in London. She moved back to Australia and without a home, aside from where her mother lived in northern Queensland. Annie was house sitting at the time, so Pants spent some time with her at various places. Both being environmentally aware ensured their multiple empty wine bottles were properly disposed.

We met both of them in Footscray in a posh home owned by two gay guys where Annie was house sitting. Pants was very nice. She eventually settled in Larrikins  End. 

A year or so later we met Annie, Copper Witch and Pants at Federation Square for lunch. It was the first time they met R. Copperwitch adored R, as people do. Wheel a suitcase for Copperwitch, and she is yours.

Pants has stayed with us and we have stayed with her. While we don't have a lot in common, we do like each other perhaps for our differences. 

Nice memories. 


  1. Lovely memories. I envy you meeting Copper Witch and Annie Brown.

    1. Yeah EC. I am so pleased I met them. They were just normal people, without surprises.

  2. Blogging seems to be a great way to make new friends.

    1. JayCee, I consider most blogmates as friends. It is a bonus we have email contact and generally wonderful if we meet them. Can I be your friend?

    2. Of course! You are welcome to pop over for coffee any time.

  3. Even in the relatively short time I've been here (since 2014) bloggers have come and gone. I've never met any in person, though.

    1. Didn't you meet northsider and yorkshire pudding once? It is good to see you here Tasker. I have been hoping all is well.

    2. Tasker, perhaps you think about some bloggers closely and imagine meeting meeting them. I hope you doing ok with your health issues.

    3. Debby, wouldn't we all want to meet YP.

  4. Nice memories. I still have a picture you emailed to me of you and Copperwitch and another woman who I guess now is the Annie Brown you mention here. I miss some of the bloggers I used to follow, one has died, Copperwitch, who is still around but less often, one who moved overseas, several others who just don't blog anymore.

    1. River, I think I remember the photo I sent. Yes, I too miss so many who dropped off. I've been trying to remember someone who was Sky Blue or something like that in the US. She had a difficult life and had the bad version of hepatitis.

  5. I haven't met any bloggers in person. I think I'd be very nervous.

    1. Strayer, I think if they seem terribly normal and nice on their blog, they are nice people to meet. If any bells ring about them, don't. You wouldn't be scared to meet me surely?

  6. Bloggers do come and go and I have met some in the flesh. It is an odd feeling meeting a stranger and yet knowing so much about them.
    One day, Andrew, one day!

    1. Caro, always remembering that when bloggers write, they paint a good picture of themselves, even if they do seem to wear their hearts on their sleeves. From their blog you may know a lot about them, but dig deeper and you will find much more of interest.

  7. Like yours my blog is pretty old too. I have met two blogging acquaintances. I found it all rather nerve-wracking but both women were genuinely nice people and I soon relaxed. In case you are thinking otherwise, my wife chaperoned me on both occasions.

    1. YP, you've expressed how I felt very well. Was there really a need for Mrs YP to be there? No. You just included her.

  8. I haven't yet a blogger. I think at one time they even had blogger get togethers.
    I really like sharing on my blog. And also reading blogs.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  9. How lovely that you got to meet up with blogger buds:)
    Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    1. Sandra, it was scary but was also very nice.

  10. I have met two bloggers. One was Bush Babe, the other was a woman from Arizona. Sometimes you discover what they claim they are is very different from what they are. Bush Babe was just as real as she could be. I have a notion I would find you to be the same.

    1. Debby, gosh. I have again forgotten that you met Bush Babe. I've bought her calendars in the past and had some email communication with her. I have no doubt she is what you see is what you get with her. She is certainly a blogger I miss.

    2. She and Mark just recently came to the US. It would have been grand to be able to visit with her once again. However, Tim's troubles came up, and we couldn't really travel. I still hope to get myself to Australia one of these years.

  11. I'm not a blogger, but a follower, who sometimes reacts. As such, meeting you guys in Melbourne one day was a pleasure and is still a nice memory ;-)!

    1. Nice for us too Jan. You are right charmer and a good talker. It is a pity your circumstances changed and you don't visit Melbourne anymore.

  12. Oops, anonymous is Jan from Perth

  13. I started an internet community in 1993 and have continued ever since. Every year there were reunions in Australia, New Zealand, UK, Israel, USA and Canada, and I got to meet many regulars. Not everyone was my ideal politically speaking, but they were all very hospitable and very welcoming.

    1. Hels, I don't mind political differences as long as they are not extreme, such as a Trump or Putin supporter. Your initial start up was with IRC as I recall.

  14. Good memories there Andrew, love the names you chose :)
    Have met a blogger and it was a wonderful experience, they are beautiful people.

  15. I started in 2006 and have met a few bloggers which was really nice, I am still in contact with them and Claudie from Southern France I see each year. Others I think I know them in real although it's only through their posts ! It was a nice little community most of the people didn't even know what a blog was, and now we are more and more !

    1. That's great Gattina. I know what you mean about feeling like you know them for real, though you have not met them. That makes it harder if they disappear.

  16. Have you heard from Copperwitch off blog Andrew…..how is she? I did see her February update, sounding much better. Did you ever get the gift she found at the back of a cupboard?
    I haven’t actually met a blogger IRL but It’s a strange feeling when you hear of the death of a blogger you had been in contact with privately.

    1. Cathy, I have received emails from Annie about Copperwich. The best I can say is she is home and ok, with support. Your memory is better than mine, but yes, we did receive the gift. I think I know where it is, in the spare room.
      Only one blogger death hit me hard, mostly because we corresponded so much by email. Being the caring person I am, I can't even remember her name now. She lived in a US state starting with I, and then moved to near her mother in Florida I think. Indianna was where she lived with her abusive partner while she had serious health issues and disabilities. Her daughter kept us informed as her time ended.
      Ah, then there was blogger Les in NSW. He was in his nineties and still blogging. His son posted that Les had died. I forget names and blog titles now.

  17. I was just counting in my head, I have met a dozen or do bloggers in person over the years, including a few who are no longer with us. All have been neat people, a handful are close friends - people I have or will travel out of my way to see. Australia, is a very long way, those 24 hour airline flights are probably too much for this old man.

    1. TP, that I know of I've only had a couple of deaths of blogmates and none who I have met. It is sad as both seemed such nice people.

  18. It's great that you made long-lasting contacts through blogging. I've made some myself and I treasure them.

    1. Yes Steve. Not something I expected when I began.

  19. I think blogs are a much better platform to know people of common interests and share thoughts.
    Glad to see that you too began blogging in 2004. That's when I too began blogging seriously.

    1. I agree Pradeep. Most people seemed to be full of common decency.
