Old High Riser Blog

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

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We motor off at 7am Tuesday morning to the State of South Australia where we will stay in the foothills of Mount Lofty. There is a reason why.

Our car may produce a puff of smoke if I put my foot down hard on a freeway but generally it should not smoke.

Being a newish car, nor should steam come from under its bonnet. Many of you will remember the days when cars overheated and the radiator water boiled, fathers with scalded hands as they removed the radiator cap with steam and boiling water bubbling out and the wait for the engine to cool before topping up the radiator with water you hopefully remembered to bring along in the case of such an event. Maybe this was this just Australia? 

Back in a few days.


  1. The overheating car engine was also a feature in my youth.
    Have a safe journey.

  2. Oh yes, I remember overheating engines. Have a good trip! Take pictures!

  3. Mount Lofty is a good name for a mountain - it says what it is. I guess that close by there will be Mount High, Mount Big and Mount Tall. Have a nice break in SA - whatever it is you are up to! I guess it involves drugs or money laundering.

    P.S. Fathers with scaled hands? Does that mean they were reptiles? Perhaps you meant "scalded"?

  4. Safe travels. Bring back lots of stories. And I hope your car doesn't overheat or blow smoke. The EPA get a bit pissed off with cars that blow smoke.

  5. Mt Lofty! I shall stand in my street and wave towards the TV towers. I hope your car makes the trip safely there and back.

  6. Do the car good to give it a run away from the city. Enjoy your time away.

  7. I remember only too well the overheating engine and steam from the radiator. Have a good trip.

  8. I remember it clearly. The horror of a split hose, a jammed thermostat, a queue miles long and you know the engine will overheat, chuck on the heater at full pelt and you boil too, or a hole in the radiator.

  9. Nope. Not just Australia!

    Can't wait to see Mt. Lofty!

  10. You are being mysterious. Are you leaving early to avoid the heat of the day, so the newish car, that should still run perfectly, doesn't overheat or belch smoke, which it shouldn't be doing either? Better get that darn thing fixed so you don't have to worry about such things. Isn't it still under warranty?

  11. As recently as five years ago I had to do that with a radiator.

  12. Travel well my friend. I am just back from the mountain hike for past 3 days. Exhausted. I can only comment now on blogger until blogger issue is resolved.

  13. I recall learning that a man could urinate into a radiator when overheated and running dry. lol Travel safe!

  14. Have a safe trip without car problems. Had all those in past times.
