Old High Riser Blog

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Shopping in the US

When we go out each morning, R asks me if I have every thing. Wallet, phone, keys, transitional glasses. It used to be have you got your spectacles, testicles, wallet and watch.

He never reminds me to take my shotgun when we go out for brunch or shopping. It strikes me that by the time the woman who feels so threatened she needs to use her shotgun, and could she actually get it into a firing position, she would be deaded by a quick shooter. She needs a pistol type gun on her hip for a quick draw. Is by the colours the store a Walmart? 

Oh lordy, this looks like a machine gun of sorts and the good guy could take out multiple bad guys. Thank you to the good guys who take out bad guys. And good on you kiddies who shoot dead a nasty school teacher who you don't like. I wish I could have taken a gun to school when I was young.


  1. Sigh. I don't think we know anyone who has a gun...

    1. A few years ago EC, my step mother called me to ask me if I wanted my late father's guns that were up in the ceiling of her home. I of course said no and she said, I will just take them to the police station and they can deal with them, and she did. My father used to shoot to rid our farm of rabbits and at times kill a suffering cow or dog. He once fired a shot above someone's head who was stealing petrol from out storage tank. I don't know that he knew how to shoot before taking on the farm, but he could learn anything quickly and then translate it to Latin.

    2. Snap. My father also had a gun. When times were tough when we were growing up he hunted rabbits to feed us. And yes, with regret and love he once shot a dog of ours that was in agony. After he died my mother took it to the police for them to deal with it.

    3. A memory from you EC. I think only once we ate rabbit shot by my father. My mother was not a good cook and I don't think anyone liked the rabbit. Put it out of its misery, was something I heard often enough and so often it was the case. It was quick and clean.

    4. We ate rabbit more times than I care to remember.

  2. Guns and children. Go together like peanut butter and jelly, I guess. How did I live long enough for this ?

  3. I haven't yet seen long gun ( shotgun, or rifle) being packed in store. Plenty of hand gun, the type you carry on your hip. I always wonder if these people who feels the need to care firearms are "NUTS" The scary thing one can't tell.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora, you do have some light regulations I think of mental stability before you can buy a gun.

    2. I know people who been in out of mental wards, and has firearm. And even put a gun to their head. Lucky they never pulled trigger. Scary and sad.

  4. Guns and idiots. The perfect combination. Thank god for our gun laws.

    1. I am with sparklingmerlot. Imagine living in a country where people value and own guns :(

    2. Caro and Hels, isn't it so good that innocent people would 99.9% never face a real gun aside from what police and guards carry.

  5. Gun culture is a really a bestiality in US

    1. Roentare, I guess because it is culture that it will be very long road ahead to change the culture.

  6. It is, ironically, not a Walmart, but a Target. I agree with you. In my opinion, when you see someone open carry like that, you're looking at a bully. They are not fearful. They do however, want you to be afraid of them. They get off on it, IMHO.

    1. Debby, you made me think and my head is hurting. The two in the photos are not about shooting but about public display and a political statement, and yes, they get off on it.

  7. Do you really wish you could have taken a gun to school when you were young? REALLY??? Doesn't sound like the Andrew I thought I virtually knew.

    1. Of course I don't think like that River. Surely you know I am given to melodramatics when I write.

  8. That is very disturbing on so many levels.

    1. JayCee, just that they can do that in public is gobsmacking.

  9. The gun culture the US is often in the news. They have the 2nd amendment to the Constitution that gives people the right to bear arms for self-protection. Unfortunately, we get to read a lot about tragedies as well associated with guns.

    1. Pradeep, quite so however I don't think the writers of the constitution envisioned machine guns and fast repeating shot guns.

  10. Where I live in rural New England (as you know, it's a big varied country) one might occasionally see some idiot "open carrying" as they call it, but it's very rare. They get called out on the local Facebook pages as the numbnuts they are. The stores here are not bristling with armed goons as these pictures might suggest. I did grow up among hunters, and am comfortable with hunters walking around the woods and back roads in their blaze orange. It was not unusual back in the sixties for my male high school classmates to have their rifles in their car so they could go bird hunting right after school. Back then the NRA (National Rifle Association) was truly just a civic-minded, hunter education organization, not lethal lobbyers.

    1. Thanks Lynn Marie. Aside from where you live being rather cold in winter, it seems to be a very desirable place to live for so many reasons and you've just highlighted one. I'd not thought about the origins of the NRA and what you say makes sense.

  11. Debby said what I was going to say. The depicted store is Target, and those people are just flashing their guns to make a statement and feel powerful. They're arseholes. (As we would say here in blighty.)

    1. Steve, it does seem to be so. I suppose the problem is that they can do this.

  12. be a lot of dead teachers if all six year olds could take their parents guns to school. Those idiots carrying a gun behind their back in a shopping line. I've had teens play with stuff slung over my back, thought it was smart, in a line. I don't know why people do that, none of them could get it up and ready in time before they were shot by someone with a bigger gun with a larger magazine. Part of fashion wear here I guess.

    1. Fashion wear Strayer! Lol. If it wasn't so dangerous.
