Old High Riser Blog

Friday, January 6, 2023

Frenetic Friday

I once put up the clip linked here, the official version of Sandstorm by Darude. It may not be your kind of music as it could be describe as frenetic dance music but mien gott. It has been performed here in Melbourne at the Sidney Myer Music Bowl by a classical orchestra and the music really comes alive. It is fantastic.

The orchestra is called Synthony and performs in both Australia and New Zealand to sold out audiences. 

I don't know enough about orchestra conducting to know if the conductor is good at her job, but by golly, does she entertain. After a few seconds of checking, Sarah-Grace Williams is an accomplished conductor. 

Electronic music is great but has a long way to go yet to match an orchestra. As usual I have watched this about five times to ensure it suitable for your delectation and sought R's approval, so if it isn't, tough tittie. It is rare nowadays for music to excite me, so enjoy the luxurious orchestral music with ear buds in and loud.


  1. The crowd are certainly into it in a big way - I do hope that the orchestra and conductor enjoyed it too. I expect they did.

    1. I expect all of what you suggest EC is quite true.

  2. It is my type of music, and it is enjoyable

  3. Art is always in the eye or ear of the beholder…this is probably absolutely brilliant for people who love this form of music .

    1. Anon, some music just grabs me, and this did.

  4. Synthony. Very clever. It is not unpleasant. It is not my 'kind' of music, but I don't hate it.

  5. I remember that first piece and also remember wondering what was in the case she stole. Money? Drugs? Lunch?
    It does sound so much better with a full orchestra though.

    1. Maybe she grabbed state Russian secrets, River.

  6. It been ages since I seen a concert.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

    1. Dora, I've hardly ever seen any concerts. I should make the short list.

  7. A late comment because I wanted to take the time to listen! And I'm glad I did.

  8. The crowd seemed mammoth... how many people were able to get in? And were they all rocking and rolling in response to the music, the lights, the conductor and presumably the hot temperature in Melbourne. I would have been carried away too, with all the movement.

    1. Hels, it appear to be sell out seating crowd, but how many on the hill of The Bowl. I think many.

  9. Fabulous! Thanks ever so much for sharing.

  10. I'm a big fan of Sandstorm by Darude. This looks like an awesome countdown tp NYE in Helsinki. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=db5f-A-vSyw
