Old High Riser Blog

Monday, January 23, 2023

A quickie today

I've began two posts for today but after yesterday's post, I think something lighter is due. It was a few months ago when I took a little walk in South Melbourne. Just in one minor street I came across some interesting stuffs. 

Such as this nice little hidden away park that only locals would know about. It was mid winter, told by the leafless trees, cold and so no one was around.

What is this? 

Quite a substantial building, now given over for modern purposes. I guess most bloggers who live in inner large cities don't need to be told to get off the main streets at times and see what is to be seen.


  1. I do hope this lighter post means that your melancholy is in abeyance. That is a delightful little park.

    1. EC, there is the odd day I feel sad but it never overwhelms me.

  2. Really special. I cannot believe this is in South Melbourne! The design in that local park is really unique. I would pay a visit to the area in future. Urban exploration is fun

    1. It is late Roentare and I can't look the lane up but it is parallel to Clarendon Street to west.

  3. Get off the main streets and see what is to be seen!

    1. YP, off the main streets in grubby laneways are where our best bars are, as I have heard.

  4. In older neighborhoods in Cleveland, you see these older building that have advertisements painted onto the bricks. I've always thought that looked cool.

    1. Indeed it is Kirk. I documented many old signs in the early 200s and some have now faded out completely. I am pleased I did so.

  5. I like the old "ghost signs." It's amazing how long they hang around. We've got tons of them in London.

    1. I reckon there would be many in London, Steve, but I've never seen any. Maybe I should have gotten off tourist streets.

  6. You never know what is a block of two off the beaten path, until you look.

  7. That is a very cool building. Here, that half moon shape at the top of the building would sometimes contain a date. I'm going to guess that the building is circa 1900. Do you know?

  8. Actually, I went googling. 1884. Very cool!

    1. Yes Debby, 1884 sound right for such a building.

  9. It is always nice to find ghost signs like those ones.

  10. That's a sweet little park. I'd love to get off the main streets in Adelaide, but much of the South-East corner from Carrington Street down to South Terrace has very old buildings and probably poorly maintained drainage, since I can smell the mouldy underground as I walk past and I'm allergic to mould. I could try the other zones, but several are home to unsavoury types where I wouldn't want to walk alone. Out in the suburbs I might get lost and miss the bus to get home again. Buses mostly only go on main roads.

    1. River, we have spent quite a bit of time in your city. It must be one of the safest cities in the world. Unsavoury types doesn't mean they will attack you. They just make you feel uncomfortable. Shouty people with mental health issues make me feel uncomfortable, but never personally threatened.

  11. I love the little inner city parks hidden in plain sight.

    1. Caro, it was a good find. I must revisit the park.

  12. I love hideaway parks.Such a delight. Hope your day is grand.

    1. Sandra, it was a surprise family day for us. It was grand.
