Old High Riser Blog

Friday, December 23, 2022


The husband of one of our neighbour's has dementia. He is happy and focused on little and nothing problematic. Last time I saw her I suggested the four of us go out locally for coffee one day soon, and she readily agreed. I feel somewhat sorry for her but she does have plenty of family support. 

She has been a City of Melbourne tourist information volunteer for twenty five years but of course stopped because of you know what. She would like to return but the organisation is treating her like a new person, insisting on extensive training and teaching granny how to suck eggs. At over 70 years old, she is very unhappy at the lack of respect. I don't blame her.

I will send her an email, something along these lines. 

Hi H. 

I know I suggested we catch up for coffee but life has gotten in the way. I had some unexpected medical appointments, there have been so many pre Christmas catch ups with people and my mother has been in hospital for nearly two weeks. It has been hectic I feel guilty about not meeting up with you and B.

Did you attend the building's barbeque and drinks evening on the podium Monday night? I've heard quite a few attended and it was judged a success. In spite of asking R if we had a decent bottle of red on hand that morning to take, we both forgot about it until 6.30 and just could not muster the energy.

We will have that coffee catch up in 2023 and our very best wishes to you both for Christmas and the New Year.


A & R. 


  1. That is a fine email - and I hope that you can catch up for that coffee - early in the New Year.
    Your mother is in hospital again? I am sorry to read that.

  2. That is so nice of you giving a lending hand. Carer exhaustion and deprivation of social life get to them every time.

  3. Good on you for suggesting coffee. Bad on the organization for treating her badly. Screwing around with your volunteers isn't wise. There are a gazillion organizations that I'm sure would love to have her.

  4. The older people have so much knowledge. Appalling behaviour but not surprising. I just hope those being so unpleasant remember their actions when they are that age.

  5. what a shame they don't recognise her previous experience. I don't do volunteer work. Years ago I applied at several places and nobody wanted me! Now I just can't be bothered.
    That letter sounds nice, polite too. I hope you get that catch-up coffee.

  6. I hope you have that coffee sooner rather than later.

  7. Life is very busy. Too bad you missed the building party. I bet your neighbors would love to get out and chat with other people, like you.

  8. We forgot about our building get together also, but then we never go to those things anyway, too cliquey.
