Old High Riser Blog

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Embracing Cultural Diversity Pt 1

I am going to have to modify my offensive subject line. It was just to remind me and not meant to be seen.

African Americans are a tiny minority of our population yet they they are featured so much in Australian advertising. It wasn't long ago whereby we would only see Anglo Saxon white people in advertising. It would be nice to see advertising reflect our population but it doesn't. Advertising will push whatever buttons it has to, to make money. 

We can now see very middle class South and South East Asians playing happy families in advertising, consuming away like there is no tomorrow. At times you have sit up at take notice that they are not western heritage. But that is not so different to advertising in aforesaid countries, which doesn't make it right. They kinda look like a version of white.

Don't get me started on car advertising in Australia showing left hand drive cars. Cultural imperialism at its best, or worst. 

For our forthcoming state election our conservative party has rolled out some whining Indian accented Australian women who complain about a lack of services in their area, a place they have chosen to live in their McMansions to keep up with other Singhs. My home may be a quarter the size of theirs, with them being in their twenties and me being old but I chose to live here because I get good services, the lack of public grass mowing notwithstanding.   

Advertising should reflect our population and it doesn't in spite of the African Americans. Advertising is about money and targeting those who spend money. I can't see any reason for that to change for the better to truly represent our population. 


  1. Sadly you are right. Small steps have been made, strides are needed. And I doubt they will happen. Mind you, I mostly ignore advertising.

    1. I generally do too EC, but YouTube rather traps you into watching ads. Yes, strides are needed.

  2. It came to my attention years ago that every bank ad I see is a middle-aged woman looking up somewhere with a young kid in the corner. Every Netflix show has a glorifying lesbian sex scene from the first episode. Every housing price crashing news article talks about lack of amenity in city fringe areas especially no public transport etc. Entitlement is also a big problem every time I work in public services.

    1. Your comment about entitlement is particularly interesting Roentare. I wouldn't mind an example.

  3. I found out that a lot of our ads are from over there and dubbed with Aussie accents. Another thing to get riled about. As if we can't do our own ads.
    The Indian population here is large and growing. The feral gummint has some sort of visa thing going whereby they are allowing in increasing numbers. (Both ferals have - I'm not picking one over t'other). Immigration has been the backbone of Australia (or none of us would be here) but I wonder if we still need to increase our numbers.

    1. Caro, and cars racing along the US scenic west coast seaside highway. As I've said in the past and some agree with me, our immigration and new housing is a Ponzi scheme which will only work if we keep bringing in more migrants. A better spread of world refugees to come here, not large numbers from one country within a year. At least most of the Indian immigrants are educated, not poor and generally ambitious. As with most immigrants, their conservatism is of a concern but that seems to adjust in the next generation.

  4. I believe most ads, feature ads of Anglo Saxons who are fit.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  5. I don't care about who is in our advertisements, if I like the ads I'm happy, if I don't I ignore them.

    1. River, there are some good and clever ads but I don't think there are as many as there used to be.

  6. It all should be equal as we have so many different nationalities living in the country, they should all be represented.
    I can't stand ads, usually turn off when one comes on the TV, radio or whatever - it's no wonder I don't hear anything :)

    1. I am much the same Margaret. It is rare that I find an ad interesting nowadays. My eyes usually glaze over when an ad comes on. I never listen to commercial radio as ads there are so intrusive.

  7. I get tired of all the perfect (anorexic looking, perfect teeth, perfect hair, good looking, young) people in TV shows and movies, like that reflects the general population. I'd like more humorous ads that mock the stereotypic ads. They'd be funny to me. Here in Oregon the political correctness demanded on all kinds of fronts is quite out of hand.

    1. Strayer, would it be acceptable to the public to have actors more like normal people? Do we have ads that mock ads? I am not sure we do.

  8. I've seen other bloggers express similar sentiments, but there are several problems with this line of thinking. Who would enforce the cultural parity rule, making sure the racial composition of ads is what it should be? It's unworkable. Furthermore, ads are only about companies trying to sell products or services to the widest number of people -- and they see diversity as a way to open up new markets. Since when are ads expected to accurately reflect the makeup of any given society? Do we expect them to reflect age, weight, appearance, or hair color of the public at large? Should the percentage of bald men be the same as the public at large? Why is it only race that raises these questions?

    1. Ah Steve, declare you self interest. You worked in commercial media! Here and I think in England statutory bodies have control over advertising? But I wouldn't want rules set in place, rather media agreement to reasonably reflect society. Yes, I would expect the groups to be represented. I get very annoyed at the perfect older people who are used in advertising towards older people. The man is never bald. The woman is always perfectly groomed and styled.
      Look, you may be right but I don't have to like it.
