Old High Riser Blog

Friday, October 21, 2022

Miracle Healing

Maybe my spinal arthritis developed symptoms in early 2020. I had xrays and a scan to discover what I had already been told. It was arthritis. The spinal problem meant something different to pain. It was very bad in the mornings between 9 and noon as I showered, dressed and went out for brunch. I was often walking along the street with my head falling forward. I had to consciously try to keep my head erect. The more I stood, the worse it became and I was always looking around for a seat with back to give me some respite. Driving was a nightmare and caused me great pain. In spite of R's protests about one handed driving on freeways, it was best to let my left arm rest down low. I did find ways to ameliorate the pain. At times in the mornings I struggled to even eat, such the effort it was. It was an effort just to move my jaw to chew.

I received five visits to a physiotherapist in 2021 at no cost to me from our health system as a sufferer of a chronic disease. She gave me massages and helpful advice. She prescribed exercises to strengthen muscles to support my spine and I think they helped and I am still exercising.

Painkillers like strong Panadol were like lollies and I didn't want to become addicted to them as Mother is. I used them when I was at my worst but just did not seem to help. After twenty minutes of showering dressing and making myself presentable for the day, most days I would have to sit in an armchair to relieve the discomfort. I could then stand and get my head up.

Was it four weeks ago we were dog sitting for Sister. Nothing had changed. When we returned home the really bad morning neck problems kind of disappeared to be replaced with with some kind of all over spinal pain. 

Oh joyous news. For whatever reason, I am pretty well pain free now. There is minor pain but whatever has happened, I am so happy. Highrise grumpy arse has even noticed how my posture has improved and I am moving better. My walking speed has improved too. 

But is this normal? Some of you I know suffer from arthritis. Is this a temporary reprieve as you have experienced? 


  1. I am so very glad to read this. And hope that it isn't temporary. My pain is not arthritis so I cannot give an informed opinion but am so glad that you have some relief. Pain can be all encompassing and all consuming too.

    1. EC, you are so right about chronic pain. It can take over your life and everything pleasurable can be spoilt.

  2. Oh, Andrew, I am so relieved to hear this. Arthritis seems to come and go, but hopefully it won't be that bad again. I think exercising and massages are a great idea. Keep us posted. Pun intended.

    1. Thanks Sandra, but I don't get the pun and I hate to ask.

  3. I believe when the barometer is down the arthritis acts up. my hubby has issue with it. I went to doctor and was having issue with an ankle. Before I had x-ray she told me that anyone over 50 has arthritis. My ankle show no arthritis.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora, the barometric pressure is something I started to consider a few weeks ago but I didn't begin to follow it up.

    2. Dora makes a good point, I feel it more when the temperature drops down for winter until I become accustomed to the cold. My arthritis is in my neck and the lower spine, also my thumbs and several fingers.

  4. I have spinal arthritis (ankylosing spondylitis ) and it shifts and changes, comes and goes so much. Could be stress, bed, activity, weather changes. Just be grateful, do your exercises and rest. Hoping for the best. Barbara in TX.

  5. Hi sounds like you have more arthritis in the upper spine? sometimes nerves unpinch and you get relief, maybe sleeping on another bed and using another pillow helped with the change? after being a nurse for 40 years I have arthritis in the lower spine and like you have to sit down after standing about for a short time...I have been going to aqua aerobics since February and that has really helped...but each morning I stumble out of bed and seem locked in place until the stiffness subsides...I take things like nurofen when needed that really helps with the stiffness and pain...I had a good laugh at the Highrise Grumpy Arse comment...I have a low rise one...lol. Peta

    1. Peta it is upper spine, L3 or something like that. Worn out disks. It is actually ok when I first get out of bed. It gets bad when I shower at about 9.30 to 10.00, standing during and after the shower while I shave etc. I am not sure if I can take nurofen because of other medications I take. I will check. I don't enjoy swimming much but maybe I should try.

  6. I have no idea why the sudden improvement but let's all hope it continues. If HRGA noticed it must be significant!
    I could give you a lecture on how to take pain meds but you've probably heard it all before. I won't teach you to suck eggs.

    1. Caro, I am not an experienced pain relief person at all. So granny can learn how to suck eggs.

  7. I had arthritis for 4 years and hated it. Now take good notes:
    1. If you are at all over weight, lose it now.
    2. Emphasise fish, green leafy vegetables and berries in your diet.
    3. Swimming is the best exercise and
    4. Avoid pregnancy :)

    1. Thanks Hels. Most helpful.
      1. Not really, just badly distributed.
      2. Plenty of leafy greens and some fish, rarely berries.
      3. So I keep hearing about the benefits of swimming.
      4. I've given up trying.

  8. Sometimes things move off a nerve that has inflamed a good share of your body. I hope it lasts. That sounds awful, Andrew. But your head lolling forward? Or was it too painful to hold it upright? Are you sure there is nothing ruptured into your spinal cord, compressing it? Like a disk or piece of bone. I had that happen, and it created whole body symptoms that vanished when the disk piece in my spinal cord was sucked out by a neurosurgeon. Spinal cord compression is hell and causes diverse symptoms and can suddenly kill you or paralize you. Whether its from arthritis, a backwards ruptured disk or bone.

    1. Strayer, too uncomfortable to hold my head up. Worn upper spinal disks, yes. I am sure it is as I have been told after both xrays and high tech scans. Not dangerous. Continue your exercises and take pain killers when it is bad.

  9. Good news you are having a reprieve from pain. Hopefully whatever you are doing/have done keeps it at bay for a while.

    My lumbar stenosis means my legs tingle and go numb plus other weird and wonderful things happen also find it difficult to walk distances, sitting helps by changing the spots that are compressed. The exercises (the ones we all know of) help but it’s the swimming or just exercising in water that is my saving grace.
    There are loads of videos for helping cervical arthritis in the pool….and with one on your doorstep what do you have to lose

    1. Cervical Spondylosis - arthritis of the neck

    2. Cathy, it seems I really need to make an effort and swim. Such a bother though with having to shower afterwards. Perhaps I need to change my morning routine. I've not heard the expression cervical arthritis, so I don't think I have that.

  10. Maybe all those exercises finally paid off. Keep on doing them or it might come back.

    1. I am Kirk and they only take a couple of minutes with a stretching band.

  11. What great news is that then Andrew, most news is bad but I'm happy to read good news. B has arthur and it certainly pulls the reins in for him.

    1. Margaret, what pain killer does B take for relief?

    2. Ibuproforen, 2 daily mostly, some days he puts up with the pain but if it gets too much he will take two if he hasn't taken any at all for that 24 hours period.

  12. John had arthritis for a while, even had to get his wedding ring enlarged. He started taking supplements and it went away!! I think John would say I am the HRGA.

  13. I know very little about spinal pain, but how amazing to simply wake up and be pain free (or close to it). I hope that it lasts forever.

    1. Debby, until you suffer chronic pain, you never quite understand it.

  14. That's good news Andrew, hope it lasts. I don't have arthritis, just had back pain due to herniated discs...but I've been basically pain free since I did chiropractic treatments for about 1 year.

    1. Sami, for back issues about five years ago I tried a chiropractor but I did better with a physiotherapist. I'm pleased you no longer suffer.

  15. It is good news, and may last if you keep up the exercises to strengthen the muscles that support the spine. I barely feel any of my arthritis, which isn't all that bad anyway, but I was very achy while working and have got better since retiring when I'm able to walk as much as I want and rest when I need to.

    1. River, I would have hated to be working while I was suffering. Yes if you can set your own pace, that helps.

  16. I have spinal stenosis. Lower back is rather bad. I pray for a reprive.
    I do pelvic tilts and slowly do stairs up and down slowly. I refuse to go onto opiates and just take Tylenol and Motrin. Not that it works, but it is better than nothing.
    I applaud you continueing to exercise. I think this must be the key.

    1. Maribeth, I am not saying exercises have cured me but they have certainly helped.

  17. I have something similar Andrew but lower spine, and yes mornings can be awful. If I have to go out I take codeine infused Tylenol, prescription. My physio really helped me as the pain had spread to my left leg and it was so brutal I was put on morphine. A bad fall on the ice affected my spine so badly it developed arthritis.
    So happy for you that it all has vanished for a while. I am having an easy day today and I never take those kinds of days for granted.

    1. M, I have no doubt there are problems with my lower spine too but I have learnt how to not do some things that will aggravate it. Ice seems to be responsible for many injuries in colder climes.

  18. I don't know much about arthritis, but since it's an inflammatory disease it seems like it might naturally wax and wane. Glad you're pain-free at the moment, though!

  19. There are so many factors involved here that I hope you can figure out what helps the most. ~hugs~ Something about the changed environment while you were dog sitting piques my interest, for sure.

    1. Darla, we were closer to the sea if that makes a difference. Otherwise I can't think of anything.

  20. I'm an Asthmatic who gets worse when the humidity kicks, until I settle into that seasonal thing. But also somehow getting covid has made things a lot worse... It seems on the best medication but now my GP has approved more "puffs" when I need it...as long as I don't slide off the lung scale, but I know if/when that would be happening and know it's a 111 call (not needed) ... touch wood, I'm getting better at taking those "puffs" and sitting down until I can go on...

    1. Catherine, a blogger in Brussels has exactly the same problem with humidity. I have heard of taking preventative puffs but I don't know much about asthma. Reacting to things like that get better with practice.
